A Look in the Mirror

Timothy slammed the door to his bathroom as he rushed in “Oh god!  God damn it, why?!” he muttered to himself.  He knew what was about to happen, as much as he tried to fight it.  He realised too late that the slut he had brought home from the club was one of them too late.  His cock was already inside of her pussy when she mentioned it.  Even as she remained quiet on the other side of the door, he knew that she no longer needed to do anything.


The cause of the new slut plague was unknown.  So far as anyone could tell it was some kind of magic or maybe even divine intervention.  All that was really known was the any person who made contact with an infected would quickly change themselves.


Timothy was hyperventilating.  He stared at his reflection in the mirror.  He did what he could to fight it.  It was no use.  His whole body tingled.  He crossed the point of no return the moment he first touched her soft skin.  Now, his own skin was softening.  His cock stayed as hard as it had ever been as it shrunk and took on its new form as a clit.  His muscles faded away and his chest swelled.  He couldn’t even take in the changes to his body as he stared at it morph.  His mind was going through a similar metamorphosis.  His thoughts of pretty much every single thing he longed for, ever interest he has, every person who he cares for…all were replaced in the space of a few seconds. 


Tiffany stared at the mirror taking her new form in.  All she wanted…all she would ever want from this moment forward, would be to bring about the slutpocalypse and then spend the rest of eternity in an orgy with her fellow sluts.  She adjusted her new clothes and headed out, eager for the day when she would no longer need to blend in to a world where men and non-slutty women still existed.

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